This article by Klingelnberg’s Daniel Meursis explains why the Closed Loop between measurement machines and grinding machines only goes so far……at the moment.

E-mobility revolution has given rise to greater demands for precision in grinding. 100% quality testing of the gears before installation in the gearbox to meet more stringent customer criteria.
Klingelnberg have already developed hardware solutions for generating grinding and roll testing. However, there is a need to go even further.

The Closed Loop 2.0 is a common concept in the gear industry. The loop being between the measurement machines and the grinding machines. Measurement results of parts are used to make the necessary adjustment on the movement of the grinding machines.

However, when it comes to phenomena such as waviness, ‘out of the box’ solutions like this don’t exist.
So the next big concept will be data driven Closed Loops that enable prediction based on correlations of tester and process data. Integrating IOT elements such as edge devices provides an important step towards this vision.

Klingelnberg are one of the leaders in working towards such solutions. Providing new, digital solutions that can easily integrate into the customers’ production processes. Read this article for a fuller explanation.