This thought-provoking idea was posed in AGMA’s Gears Matter blog pages. After all, it is currently a possibility that is being considered or, in some cases trialled, in many organisations across the globe.

But, would a four day working week be feasible in manufacturing and specifically the gear industry?

The blog points out that there are a few companies that have successfully implemented a 32 hour working week. They have reported both increases in productivity and crucially a spike in demand from applicants for jobs.

However, these trials were in other sectors such as retail, hospitality and office-based work. The five-day week is certainly still the norm within manufacturing.

However, could a transition to a more flexible work model help attract much-needed new blood into the industry?

One of the biggest reasons cited by Millennials for not considering manufacturing as an option is the lack of job flexibility, which is increasingly being seen as more important than salary.

Automation and the implementation of AI could hold the key. For the expanded version of this discussion join the link.