Such is the importance of hobs in determining the final quality of the manufactured gear that AGMA has developed a standard covering allowable tolerances (ANSI/AGMA 1102-B13).
An AAA carbide hob may carry a 30% premium price compared to the AA version. This higher premium should ensure no hob errors.
But there’s a lot more to ensuring hob quality than simply investing in premium hobs…
There are many more issues relevant to hob quality. This article featured in Gear Solutions takes us through the basics including:
- Discussing how to evaluate the costs and benefits of high-quality hobs
- The mounting of the hob in eliminating errors
- The inspection of hob diameters and faces to ensure they are free on nicks and abrasions
- Rake inspection
- Hob sharpening to maintain correct tool geometry
Link through to the article below to fully expand on these points and maintain the critical hob quality you need…..